December 5, 2022

Dear Parents and Families of Fallon Memorial Elementary School,

As we approach our Holiday vacation, I am checking in to give you some updates about our programs and goals for the remainder of the academic year. We are almost at the end of our Fall Student Ramp Up program and are happy to report over 60 students successfully participated and their teachers are thrilled with their progress. In addition, we have just started a Middle of the Year Incentive program to help students speed up their skill acquisition in Reading and Math. This will be accomplished by working on the Chromebooks with teachers in the iReady platform and parents will have the chance to help students along with handouts that will be distributed during Parent Teacher Conferences. We look forward to teaming up to support our kids!

We have a busy month ahead: Lifetouch make-up pictures on Wednesday, December 7th. We have the Holiday Shop sponsored by our PTA on December 6, 7, 8, in our newly renovated library where parents will assist students with shopping! Parent teacher conferences will take place on December 15th by appointment from 9:00am-3:00pm and 4:30pm-6:30pm. Hopefully, you have scheduled an appointment with your student’s classroom teacher(s).

Due to a professional day for teachers on December 16th there will be no school for students. 

Winter break will commence on December 23rd and students and teachers will return on January 3rd. We wish you all a safe and productive holiday season.



Paul Zona Jr.
Principal of Fallon