Message from the Principal
Dear Agnes Little Community, My name is Michael Gilmore and I am the Principal at Agnes E. Little Elementary School. The staff and I are excited to welcome all the students and their families to the annual Agnes Little “Back to School Bash” that will be held on August 29th from 5:30pm – 7:30pm. This will be an exciting opportunity for everyone to tour the school, visit the classrooms, meet your teachers, receive school supplies and have fun! We will begin our official first day of school on Wednesday August 31st, 2022. I invite you to attend our First Day Celebration on the football field adjacent to Agnes Little beginning at 8:15am. At approximately 8:30am, the entire school community will parade into the school to celebrate our first day of school! School begins promptly at 8:30am and dismissal is at 2:40pm. We are all so excited to see you again and we look forward to an enjoyable school year. Sincerely, Mr. Gilmore