We love to have you present at school every day. However, staying home when you’re sick helps prevent the spread of illness and protects others from getting sick. By staying home from school when your sick, you can give your body the time it needs to heal and recuperate. Focus on taking care of yourself, getting plenty of rest, stay hydrated, and follow any treatment recommendations from your healthcare provider.
It’s important to listen to your body, take care of yourself, and follow healthcare guidelines to ensure a speedy and safe recovery.
There are several valid reasons for a student to stay home from school, including:
1. Illness: If a student is sick with a contagious illness, such as the flu, strep throat, or a stomach virus, it is important for them to stay home to prevent spreading the illness to other students and staff.
2. Fever: A student with a fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher should stay home until they have been fever-free without medication for at least 24 hours.
3. Vomiting or diarrhea: If a student has been vomiting or experiencing diarrhea, it is important for them to stay home until their symptoms have resolved to prevent the spread of illness.
4. Severe headache, body aches, or fatigue: These symptoms may indicate that a student is too unwell to attend school and may benefit from rest at home.
5. Communicable diseases: Students with certain communicable diseases, such as chickenpox or pink eye, should stay home until they are no longer contagious.
6. Injury: If a student has suffered a significant injury, such as a broken bone or concussion, it may be necessary for them to stay home until they have recovered sufficiently to return to school.
7. Doctor’s orders: If a student’s healthcare provider recommends that they stay home due to a medical condition, it is important to follow their advice.
It is important for parents to use their judgment and consider the health and well-being of their child when deciding whether to keep them home from school. If in doubt, it is always best to consult with a healthcare provider or the school nurse for guidance.
Unexcused Absences include:
Undocumented Illnesses or Injury, family vacation, suspension days, etc.
Excused Absences include:
Documented Illness or Injury, court appointment, death in the family, religious holidays, housing hardship/McKinney Vento, etc.