Pawtucket School Department

William E. Tolman Senior High School

William E.Tolman Senior High School
Tolman Graduation
A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work. Colin Powell

Principal: Jennifer Vorro | Assistant Prinipals: George Albuquerque, Laura Lutz & Jamie Hill
Clerks: Marie Joseph & Casey Norton

150 Exchange Street, Pawtucket, Rhode Island | Phone: 401-729-6400 | Fax: 401-729-6407

Tolman Open House

  Greetings Parents,  I am sharing some vital information about Tolman High School with you.  Our back–to–school night is scheduled for September 24th from 6 PM to 8 PM. This is an excellent opportunity to meet your child’s teachers and learn about the great things we are trying to do at Tolman High School this year.  We are actively forming a School Improvement Team, and we value your input in the decisions we make for the school. The meetings, which will be held remotely, are scheduled for the last Tuesday of each month from 2:45 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. Your participation in this crucial work is highly encouraged. If you are interested, please call (401)729-6400 to be added to the group.  We eagerly anticipate your presence on September 24th, as this is a wonderful opportunity for you to engage with the school community and learn more about our plans for the year.  Best,  Jennifer Vorro  Principal  William E. Tolman High School 

Message from the Principal

It is my honor to serve as the Principal of the William E. Tolman Senior High School. The Tolman Tigers have a long storied tradition of excellence in all endeavors. We are committed to keeping this tradition alive as we provide a learning environment that develops academic competency, social awareness, civic responsibility, and a healthy lifestyle.  The faculty of William E. Tolman utilizes research-based teaching methods, innovative technology, and data-driven instruction to provide students with the necessary skills in this increasingly competitive world.  The staff and students dedicate themselves to standards of excellence while celebrating and respecting our cultural and academic diversity.  We are committed to maintaining a safe and rigorous learning climate while incorporating parental and community involvement.    The strong pride and welcoming environment of Tolman High School are second to none. The many benefits listed below highlight the supports and opportunities available to our students but our Community of Acceptance is at the foundation of all of them. Inside Tolman High School, you will find:   A proud Learning Community where rich tradition meets research-based, rigorous, 21st-century environment, grounded in cultural and academic diversity A school building consists of four floors and a basement, 60 classrooms, a 1,300-seat auditorium, and a JROTC Center A diverse selection of Advanced Placement Courses Graduates accepted at Ivy league schools, private & public universities & service academies 1:1 Technology / Chromebook program, PLTW Labs, Robotics A world language program that embraces the ever-changing, growing, global economy, knowledge of world languages, and

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School News:


Tolman Open House 9/24/24

  Greetings Parents,  I am sharing some vital information about Tolman High School with you.  Our back–to–school night is scheduled for September 24th from 6

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Tolman Tigers