William E. Tolman Senior High School

School Committee

Parents & Guardians

William E. Tolman High School
Home of the Tolman Tigers
Tolman Graduation
A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work. Colin Powell

150 Exchange Street, Pawtucket, Rhode Island | Phone: 401-729-6400 | Fax: 401-729-6407
Principal: Jennifer Vorro | Assitant Principal:
George Albuquerque, Laura Lutz, Chris Corsini | Clerk: Jenny Vieira

Message from the Principal

William E. Tolman Senior High School in Pawtucket, RI was built in 1926 along the east bank of the Blackstone River.  The building houses approximately 900+ students and 85-90 faculty and staff members.  Tolman Senior High School offers courses necessary for college preparation as well as courses in our academies, including Finance, Law and Public Safety, as well as Marketing and Management.  Guidance places a strong emphasis on student needs and each student is assigned to a counselor.  This individual student attention enables the counselors to recommend Advanced Standing (AS) and Advanced Placement (AP) courses to students that have superior ability in certain subject areas. This directly relates to William E. Tolman Senior High School’s mission which is to provide a learning environment grounded in truth and knowledge that develops academic competency, social awareness, civic responsibility and a healthy lifestyle.  The staff and students of Tolman Senior High School commit themselves to standards of excellence while celebrating and respecting our cultural and academic diversity in this increasingly competitive world.  Tolman’s pride is in its vision to support and foster a safe learning environment for all students.  All students and staff are respected and valued as part of our school community.



**Program of Studies 2022-2023 Program of Studies Bullying Policy Statewide Bullying Policy Bullying/Cyberbullying Report Form for Parents, Guardians, and Students School Department Facebook Page Visit

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