Pawtucket School Department

CTE Pathways

The Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathways in Pawtucket provide students with rigorous, academic and technical, hands-on experience as well as skills and knowledge necessary to be prepared for career opportunities, work-based learning experiences and higher education. Our current CTE Pathways are:

Dance (JMW Arts School)

Music (JMW Arts School)

Theater (JMW Arts School)

Video & Film Production (JMW Arts School)

Visual Arts (JMW Arts School)

Government Administration (Shea High School)

Information Technology (Shea High School)

Pre-Engineering (Shea High School)

Finance (Tolman High School)

JROTC (Tolman High School)

Law & Public Safety (Tolman High School)

Marketing & Management (Tolman High School)


The following brochure outlines each of our CTE pathways available to our students at each High School in Pawtucket.  


Versión en español del folleto