Student Quick Links

Student Links:

Clever Website Image


Bradley Hospital 


Evidence Collection System


Precision Exams Proctor Link


Unite Us

Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence

YouScience Aptitude

Student Information System:



Educator Sites:

Click here to visit

How to request courses for next year

Watch this quick slideshow on how to request courses in Skyward for next year.

Student and Parent Handbook

Read about our Academics, Discipline and Safety Policies, Health Policies as well as general information.

Student Scheduling and Opportunities

Student Program of Studies

Access our program of study for more information regarding course opportunities in our high schools.

Student Program of Studies (Spanish)

Access our program of study for more information regarding course opportunities in our high schools.

Student Program of Studies (Portuguese)

Access our program of study for more information regarding course opportunities in our high schools.

CTE Pathways

The Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathways in Pawtucket provide students with rigorous, academic and technical, hands-on experience as well as skills and knowledge necessary to be prepared for career opportunities, work-based learning experiences and higher education.