
FREE Preschool Opportunities for Pawtucket Residents

I am a Pawtucket resident and am interested in Preschool for my child for the 2024-2025 School Year. What should I do?

If you have a child that will be turning 3 or 4 on or before 9/1/2024, your child is eligible for one of our FREE Preschool Programs. If your child turns 4 years old before 9/1/2024, they are also eligible for RI Pre-K. Our district Preschool programs AND our RI Pre-K Programs provide high-quality education from certified teachers and staff. Both programs are all inclusive and provide opportunities for peers and students with needs.

If you would like your child to be in one of these programs, please complete the lottery forms below. Lotteries will be drawn in early July. At this time you will receive notification of acceptance or waitlisted.

Description RI Pre-K and Integrated Programs

RI Pre-K:  RI Pre-K is a state funded General Education Program.  The class size is 18 students.   This program is all inclusive and supports students with Special Needs through the IECSE model.  The Special Educator and Service Providers provide support within the classroom and hold collaborative meetings with the team and the family.  These classes within the Pawtucket School System are a part of the school building.  Families are welcomed and encouraged to attend all school-wide events.  Our classrooms follow the Creative Curriculum and Conscious Discipline.  RI Pre-K classrooms in the community may offer extended hours with the option for before and/or after care.

Integrated Programs: Our integrated programs for 3 and 4 year olds are also all inclusive programs.  The class size is 15 and this is made up of a percentage of students with IEPs and a percentage of typically developing peers.  The teachers are dual-certified as a General Educator and as a Special Educator.  Related Service providers provide support within the classroom.  These classes within the Pawtucket School System are a part of the school building.  Families are welcomed and encouraged to attend all school-wide events.  Our classrooms follow the Creative Curriculum and Conscious Discipline.

Forms for 3 Year Olds

2024-2025 Pawtucket Integrated Preschool Lottery Form

  • Open to all families.  
  • 3 Year Old Program – Must be 3 before 9/1/2024.  (Students can join throughout the year if seats are available)
     ***The 3 year old program is a ½ day (2.5. hour) program.***

Forms for 4 Year Olds

We are happy to announce the opening of the RI Pre-K lottery for the 2024-2025 school year. Pawtucket is proud to support six Rhode Island Pre-K classrooms housed at Fallon, Greene, Varieur, and Winters.

RI Pre-K, entering its 16th year, provides free, high-quality Pre-K education to eligible 4-year-old children. This year, RI Pre-K is expanding into 21 communities and will serve over 2,800 children.

* If your child is going to be 4, it is highly recommended to complete BOTH forms*

Frequently Asked Questions

Preschool is highly recommended, but is not mandatory at this time. Preschool is also not offered at every school. For these reasons, transportation is not provided by the district, even if distance requirements are met. Students who have the service of transportation written in their IEPs will receive their transportation service as detailed in their IEP, unless the selected RI Pre-K location is in a community based center. In this case, the family will have to transport to the center.

We invite all families to begin our online registration process if you plan on attending one of our district (not community-based) classrooms.  If your child was in our 3 year old program OR if your child has an IEP and attends a community based program, you do not need to re-register.  Registering does NOT guarantee your child a spot in a program, but it IS required upon selection to RI-PreK in our district and it is required for our integrated programs. 

To begin the registration process, you will need to collect the following documents to submit:

  • Proof of Residency (2): Bank statement, health insurance statement, payroll stub, federal, state or local government correspondence, car insurance bill, utility bill, lease (choose two).  All proof of residency documents must be current (within 30 days) and have your name, date and address visible.
  • Birth Certificate
  • Parent Photo ID –  (license or passport)
  • Health information requirements –  Up to date immunization records along with the current physical, including vision screening.

Our registration is completed online.

Childhood Outreach Coordinator:

Courtney Silva


Child Outreach is a FREE developmental screening program offered through the Pawtucket School Department in conjunction with the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE). It is recommended that you have your child screened every year, at the ages of 3, 4 and 5 years old, prior to Kindergarten. Much like the well child visit with your pediatrician, children should participate in the screening annually as activities are based upon what is appropriate for your child’s age and experiences at the time of screening. Because children learn rapidly during these early years, each screening provides families with an up-to-date check on their child’s development.

Learn More

English Brochure

Spanish Brochure

A developmental screening is a brief assessment in five areas of development. It is designed to help families understand how their child is progressing and how they can continue to support their child’s development. The screening is also designed to determine whether a child may experience a challenge which may interfere with the acquisition of knowledge or skills.  From birth to age three, children are screened regularly by their pediatricians/physicians. Local school districts provide yearly developmental screening through Child Outreach for 3, 4 and 5 year old children, prior to Kindergarten.

Children are screened by professionals who are trained in the administration of all aspects of the developmental screening. Children are screened at various locations in their community or at our Childhood Outreach office located at 286 Main Street. 

HEARING: Otoacoustic Emission Test – A small earphone or probe is placed in the ear. The probe puts sound into the ear and measures the ear’s response to the sounds. Your child does not need to do or say anything during this screening. The person doing the screening can see the results on the monitor screen. LEARN MORE

VISION: Lea Symbols – American Academy of Pediatric Preschool Vision Screening Guidelines. LEARN MORE

SPEECH/LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT:  The Preschool Language Scales / 5th Edition is a standardized screening tool which screens development in the areas of understanding language, expressive language, articulation, social/emotional communication, fluency and voice.

GENERAL DEVELOPMENT:  The Early Screening Inventory/Revised is a standardized screening tool which samples performance in the areas of language, cognition, visual and auditory perception as well as fine and gross motor coordination.

SOCIAL – EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT: The Ages and Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional, Second Edition (ASQ:SE -2) provides information, based on parent report, about a child’s self-regulation, compliance, communication, adaptive behaviors, autonomy, affect, and interaction with people.

DUAL LANGUAGE LEARNERS (DLL):  Young children who are learning their home language while simultaneously learning English are Dual Language Learners. The purpose of Child Outreach screening is to get a snapshot of a child’s overall development and is not used to assess a child’s ability to use the English Language in the presence of two languages. Child Outreach makes every effort to screen children who are Dual Language Learners in both developing languages. Communication with families in their dominant language, with assistance from interpreters is an important part of the screening.