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- Please come to Door 4
- School Administration Bulding
- 286 Main Street, Pawtucket RI 02860
- 401.729.6300
Business Office - Budget and Finance
The Business Department is responsible for budgeting, accounting, payroll, employee benefits, medicaid reimbursement, purchasing and billing.
It is the mission of the Business Department to provide accurate and reliable financial reporting to the Superintendent, School Committee, city leaders, independent auditors, R.I. Department of Education and the general public as well as assist employees throughout the school district with business matters.
Travel Expense Reimb Form and Voucher
The Travel Expense Reimbursement Form for reimbursing significant out of area travel. Also includes as the required Voucher Payment Form.Voucher Payment Request Form-1
Request form for reimbursement or refund by Accounts Payable for any reimbursement other than employee travel, mileage or parking.Independent Contractor Resources
Resources for Independent Contractors paid through Accounts Payable.
FY20 Audited Financial Statement
Audited financial statement for the most recent fiscal year. Note, the school department is audited as part of the overall City of Pawtucket audit.Previous Years Audited Financial Statements
Note: The School Department, as a department of the City of Pawtucket, is audited as part of the overall city annual audit. This link will bring you to the City of Pawtucket web page to view the combined audit report and financial statements.
- Fiscal Year 2024 School Committee Budget
- Fiscal Year 2023 School Committee Budget
The budget for Fiscal Year 2023 (July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023) as passed by the Pawtucket School Committee.
Fiscal Year 2021 School Committee Budget
The budget for Fiscal Year 2021 (July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021) as passed by the Pawtucket School Committee.Prior Years School Committee Budgets
Repository of budgets prior to the previous fiscal year.
Pawtucket Teachers Alliance AFT Local 930 Union Contract & Agreements
The Pawtucket Teachers Alliance represents the district’s teachers and health professionals.
Pawtucket Teachers’ Alliance, AFT Local 930 Contract (2023-2026)
Fiscal Impact – Pawtucket Teachers’ Alliance (AFT Local 930) Contract
AFSCME Local 1352 Union Contract & Agreement
The American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees, Local 1352 represents the district’s Teacher-Assistants, Clerks, Maintenance and Custodial workers.
AFSCME Local 1352 Contract (2021-2024)
Local 1352 Contract (2021-2024)-TABLES
Local 1352 Contract (2021-2024) – Longevity Schedule Sept 24 2021
Fiscal Impact – AFSCME Local 1352 (2021-2024)
Prior AFSCME Local 1352 Contracts
Impact Statement – Pawtucket Teachers’ Alliance (AFT Local 930) Contract FY18 to FY20
Rhode Island Municipal Transparency Portal
RI Office of Municipal Finance online collection of municipal finance data, including quarterly Budget to Actual reports.- The RI Department of Education’s financial data page with previous year revenue and expenditure data (select ‘Consolidated Financial Databases’).
RI Dept. of Education Uniform Chart of Accounts (UCOA)
RIDE’s uniform system of account numbers to track revenues and expenditures in a uniform manner across school districts state-wide.- The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) sets the generally accepted accounting standards (GAAP) that state and local governments follow.
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars
The White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) sets standards and procedures for the use and reporting of federal funds.